Thursday, March 25, 2010

IF: Expired

3 things are expired: an afternoon without a nap, her dad's patience, and her sugar buzz.

IF: Expired


k.h.whitaker said...

been there many times, nice idea for the prompt, I love the texture on the ground and the circus theme

Loni Edwards said...

Awesome idea for this week's prompt! You showed the emotions wonderfully on the girl and her Dad. As a parent, I can definitely relate to this one :) Nice job!

Dear Fireflies said...

Ahahahaha...!! Good one! Definitely had one of those moments before..(^_^)

Ann Pilicer said...

Great concept! Wonderful illustration. Great job! :D

Polyrhythm said...

Yup, I'm pretty sure I was in her shoes once or twice as a little kid. :P

I love the texture on her dress and Dad's coat :)

Shirley said...

Oy, I feel his pain! You've captured this perfectly Alissa...boy, you are a hard that you've tackled an environment. That is awesome. Every detail is wonderfully executed...and I appreciate your thoughtful concept for the word...excellent. Hope you've been well! Sorry to be so delayed in visiting.