Sunday, October 3, 2010

IF: Beneath

I don't look much different on the outside, but beneath the surface...

IF: Beneath

I announced my big news on Twitter last week, but in case you missed it, I am PREGNANT with my second child! We are absolutely thrilled.  I am due at the end of April, 2011.

It seems that many children's illustrators out there have very small children.  How many of you are freelancers who worked while pregnant and/or with a newborn?  I'd love to hear your stories!


TJ Lubrano said...

Aaaah I totally missed your tweet! Congratulations!!! How lovely :D!

I have no kids yet, so don't have any stories to share I'm afraid. This illustration is so sweet! It's perfect.

Take care, TJ

barbara said...

so sweet! congratulations!

Shalini said...

Congratulations.. I am so glad I landed here to hear something so good.. all the best to you.. and btw, very nice illustration

psychopooch said...

Awwww. Too cute. And CONGRATS!!!

Ratlion said...

Congratulations :) Nice illo.

Holly said...

Congratulations! And this is so cute ^-^

k.h.whitaker said...

congrats and this is really cute